Information note to investors regarding the publication of the 2023 half-yearly financial statements

SAI ATLAS ASSET MANAGEMENT S.A. în calitate de administrator al Fondurilor Deschise de Investitii EQUITY PLUS FISHER, AUDAS FISHER, MONOLITH and alternative investment funds HERMES, HERALD, DCP INVESTITII, MICHELANGELO, ALCHEMIST si AGRICULTURAL FUND, informeaza investitorii cu privire la publicarea rapoartelor aferente semestrului 1 al anului 2023 pe site-ul societatii de administrare, respectiv

Rapoartele pot fi procurate si la cerere, gratuit, de la sediul societăţii de administrare din Bucuresti, sector 1, Sos. Bucuresti –Ploiesti  nr. 7A Etaj 6 biroul 1.

*The yield includes the benefits distributed for the year 2023 (EUR 3,939.08 / unit – gross)
**The yield includes the benefits distributed for the year 2023 (3,939.08 EUR/unit – gross) and for the year 2022 (3,324.71 EUR/unit – gross)
***The return includes all benefits distributed since launch, for the year 2023 (EUR 3,939.08/unit - gross), for the year 2022 (EUR 3,324.71/unit - gross), for the year 2021 (EUR 2,140.03/unit - gross), for the year 2019 (EUR 2,243.11/unit - gross) and for the year 2017 (EUR 1,409.59/unit - gross)