Rules and procedures regarding conflicts of interest

The policy of SAI Atlas Asset Management SA ("SAI Atlas AM") regarding Conflicts of Interest establishes the way in which SAI Atlas AM identifies, prevents and manages conflicts of interest in the administration of collective investment bodies and alternative investment funds as well as within the SAI activity Atlas AM.

As an investment fund manager, we may face potential and actual conflicts of interest. We take all reasonable measures to prevent our clients' interests from being harmed by these conflicts of interest and in this sense we maintain and apply effective organizational and administrative measures. The internal policy details the potential conflicts of interest that may arise in our activity, as well as the procedures and measures implemented to identify, prevent and manage these conflicts of interest. Potential conflicts of interest are identified, managed and monitored within the Company. We are at your disposal for any kind of information.

Detailed information on the rules and internal procedures regarding conflicts of interest within SAI Atlas AM can be viewed by accessing this link.

*Randamentul include beneficiile distribuite pentru anul 2023 (3.939,08 EUR/unitate – brut) **Randamentul include toate beneficiile distribuite de la lansare, pentru anul 2023 (EUR 3.939,08/unitate – brut), pentru anul 2022 (EUR 3.324,71/unitate – brut), pentru anul 2021 (EUR 2.140,03/unitate – brut), pentru anul 2019 (EUR 2.243,11/unitate – brut) si pentru anul 2017 (EUR 1.409,59/unitate – brut)