To become an investor, please complete the subscription form at the registered office of SAI Atlas Asset Management SA in Bucharest.
Investors can subscribe for a whole or fractional number of fund units, the first subscription being at least 2 fund units. The fund is denominated in RON.
For more details, please read the Fund's documents or contact us at no. by phone (+4) 021 361 78 21.
Careful! Fund units are offered for subscription on the 15th, as well as on the last day of each month. If the dates set for subscription are non-working days, the fund units will be offered for subscription on the next working day at the value of the fund unit on the respective working day.
SALE (Redemption)
Redemption of fund units is done on the basis of the Redemption Form that is submitted in person at our office in Bucharest.
The redemption price is calculated based on the assets from the date of registration of the Redemption Form, more details about the redemption of fund units can be found in the Fund Prospectus in the section "Fund unit redemption and payment procedure"
If you have questions regarding the redemption of fund units, please contact us at phone numbers +021.361.78. 21 or send us an e-mail at [email protected].
Careful! Fund units are redeemable on the last day of each month. If the date set for redemption is a non-working day, the fund units will be offered for redemption on the next working day at the value of the fund unit on the respective working day.