FDI Monolith was authorized by Decision no. 55/19.01.2012 and registered with no. CSC06FDIR/400077 in the ASF Register, the Depositary of the Fund is BRD – Groupe Societe Generale SA

FDI Monolith pursues the placement in optimal conditions of diversification of the attracted resources, in money market instruments and bank deposits at the most important local banks, in state and municipal bonds, but also in bonds or other fixed income instruments of some corporate issuers with a degree of low risk.

FDI Monolith was authorized by Decision no. 55/19.01.2012 and registered with no. CSC06FDIR/400077 in the ASF Register, the Depositary of the Fund is BRD – Groupe Societe Generale SA

Who is the Fund addressed to?

The fund is addressed to natural and legal persons who are willing to assume a low investment risk by placing financial resources mainly in a mix of money market instruments (certificates of deposit, treasury certificates, other financial instruments with residual maturities less than 1 year), in fixed income instruments (state securities, corporate, municipal bonds and others).


  • Purchase commission: 0% 
  • Redemption fee: 0%
  • Fund administration commission: maximum 0.1% per month and minimum 0.02% per month applied to the average net assets under management - this commission is included in the value of the fund unit

Recommended investment period

Investors are recommended to invest their financial resources for at least 24 months.

For more details, please read the Fund Documents or contact us at no. by phone (+4)021 361 78 21.

Note: Fund investors will be informed at the SAI Atlas AM headquarters, in a transparent, complete and detailed manner on the taxes and expenses that are borne directly or indirectly by them by investing in the Fund, as well as on their maximum value. SAI Atlas Asset Management SA makes every effort to inform investors as transparently, completely and broken down as possible about the commissions, with the mention that from the activity carried out up to the present date, there are certain commissions that cannot be quantified in advance, depending on the trading volume, the changes trading commissions on foreign markets or counterparties that have changes in costs depending on volumes. If commissions/expenses/taxes related directly or indirectly to the trading of financial instruments, other than those already sent to investors, are found, they will be informed about them.


PURCHASE (Subscription)

To become an investor, please complete the subscription form at the registered office of SAI Atlas Asset Management SA in Bucharest, sector 1, Soseaua Bucuresti - Ploiesti, no. 7A, 6th floor.

The minimum amount that can be invested in FDI Monolith is EUR 5,000. Fractions of fund units can also be subscribed after they have been subscribed minimum initial amount of EUR 5,000.

For more details, please read the Fund's documents or contact us at no. by phone (+4) 021 361 78 21.

SALE (Redemption)

Redemption of fund units is done on the basis of the Redemption Form that is submitted in person at our headquarters in Bucharest, sector 1, Soseaua Bucuresti - Ploiesti, no. 7A, 6th floor.

The redemption price is calculated based on the assets from the date of registration of the Redemption Form, more details about the redemption of fund units can be found in the Fund's Issue Prospectus in the section "Redemption of fund units".

If you have questions regarding the redemption of fund units, please contact us at phone number +021.361.78. 21 or send us an e-mail at the address [email protected].

*Randamentul include beneficiile distribuite pentru anul 2023 (3.939,08 EUR/unitate – brut) **Randamentul include toate beneficiile distribuite de la lansare, pentru anul 2023 (EUR 3.939,08/unitate – brut), pentru anul 2022 (EUR 3.324,71/unitate – brut), pentru anul 2021 (EUR 2.140,03/unitate – brut), pentru anul 2019 (EUR 2.243,11/unitate – brut) si pentru anul 2017 (EUR 1.409,59/unitate – brut)